recovery week 2019
photo gallery
How can you 'get involved' with the Virtual Recovery Week 2020?
"send in your videos!"
We are asking Service Users from the Recovery Community, representatives from local organisations and prominent figures to record a few words or quotes, which can be played during the week, either as standalone items or as greater montages etc.
A simple self recorded video message(s) on a phone will suffice.
"we have pre-written a set of Recovery Focused quotes for your convenience to read out"
For any assistance please email: [email protected] OR call Dear Albert on:
"if you already have a video to submit... thats great! all you have to do now is upload, thankyou!"
upload your video submissions here*
you can come upload more than one video if you want!
*Before you agree to ‘submit’ your video, you will be asked to complete a simple media consent form.

Support the Social Media campaign...
Throughout the week, a number of local services will be putting content out on social media, primarily Twitter, using the following hashtags #RW2020 & #RecoveryWeek. You can show support by promoting e.g. retweeting & liking any such messages which may link in with or overlap your own aims and objectives etc. Alternatively, content created by yourselves which use the campaign hashtags can be easily identified and promoted by other services.
The following accounts will be producing/supporting #RW2020 content:
Dedicated Recovery Week account
Dear Albert - Peer-Led Recovery Community
Turning Point Leicester - Commissioned LLR service provider
Leicestershire Police main account
Leicestershire Police Substance Misuse Officer
Loughborough based supported housing and drop-in service